Curry wurst- tried

While I can see the appeal of a quick small meal (maybe you need to drink more with it…), I don’t think there is need to try it again.

Cooked sausages, with tomato type sauce & curry powder. 

At least I can tick this experience off! 

Good coffee can always be found…

This I know to be true.  Hunt for good coffee and Ye shall find it – thanks to the internet! 

Distrikt coffee

Distrikt Coffee is the name… and from the moment we are greeted, it’s the familiar Australian accent – not to forget the tats on people working the kitchen and coffee machine. Breakfast menu would not be out of place in Adelaide, along with the decor.  Thankfully- no smashed avocado on the menu!  

Distrikt coffee

Distrikt coffee

Distrikt coffee

Distrikt coffee

After finishing, and f course Kym had spied some pastries in a cabinet (oh how very Australian)… and we enjoyed this Queen Amore with a piccolo (much better than cappuccino if your asking). 

Distrikt coffee

Distrikt coffee

A very delightful way to start a Sunday – thankfully we had been cycling for 1.5 hours prior, so it was all well earned.

Using jet lag to our advantage…

Travelling to Europe, you can guarantee you will have jet lag.  So, when we woke up we used it to our advantage by seeing a few monuments – without many other tourists! Riding around at 7am in the morning was great!






Russian memorial 



While at the Brandenburg Gate there was a tourist attempting to capture herself jogging in front – see did many retakes!  We did offer assistance, but she was quite happy on her own!  Later in the day we cycled past here and it was teaming with tourists- demonstrating the value of jet lag!


Victory colum statue 


